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Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Own Mountain to Climb

The heights, the time to get there and what lies beyond the mountain do not matter. It is the journey that matters.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Top 10 List of Things To Do While on a Career Break

Here are my Top 10 List of things to do while out of a regular job, either by own choice or due to inevitable circumstance. These are ways to make the most out of a career break. So when asked by friends or colleagues on how you are doing these days you'd be proud that doing these are in itself accomplishments for your self.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Workaholic versus Life-a-holic: 10 Difference Revealed!

In my last post, I think I have gotten you hanging. Well, I guess I should really enumerate them.

As mentioned in my previous post, a workaholic burns out, a lifeaholic burns up. This is the # 1 difference. Here are the rest of the other 9.

Friday, September 17, 2010

10 Difference Between a Workaholic and a Lifeaholic

I was a workaholic. I live and breathe to work. It was like an addiction. I have gone beyond the reasons of earning to live. But when I finally said goodbye to my last job post, something struck me in the head.