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Monday, September 27, 2010

Workaholic versus Life-a-holic: 10 Difference Revealed!

In my last post, I think I have gotten you hanging. Well, I guess I should really enumerate them.

As mentioned in my previous post, a workaholic burns out, a lifeaholic burns up. This is the # 1 difference. Here are the rest of the other 9.

Difference # 2: A workaholic works long hours. A lifeaholic works regular hours.

A lifeaholic is a natural mentor. He knows how to delegate tasks to others. He develops his own "clone".

Difference # 3: A workaholic has very shallow relationships. A lifeaholic treasures his deep friendships as his greatest wealth.

A workaholic has only friends inside his circle of current work. He barely has friends outside of work. On the other hand, a lifeaholic maintains friendships even if he has transferred to another job. He is still in touch with his old colleagues and often attends each one's special family occassions.

Difference # 4: A workaholic works with no defined goals. He just wants to be busy. But a lifeaholic has defined goals and works towards attaining them. And half of these goals have nothing to do with his work.

In most companies, you will see workaholics working only for the money, or recognition or acceptance. Lifeaholics work because they would like to see the company prosper because they believe that if the employer prospers, employees also do ( in the form of bonuses and incentives )

Difference # 5: A workaholic has no interests outside of work. A lifeaholic has pleasurable interest outside his work.

Workaholics don't know how to delegate so their work pile up. They would even report Saturdays or Sundays to finish some jobs. Because of this, a workaholic never has the time for other activities like joining the company sportsfest or company outings.

Difference # 6: A workaholic cannot delegate. A lifeaholic makes delegation his master skill.

This is also related to Difference #2. Succession planning is a lifeaholic's best talent.

Difference # 7: A workaholic does not take vacations. And if he is forced to take one, his mind will still be trapped in his office desk no matter where he goes. A lifeaholic takes afternoon naps, annual personal retreats, second honeymoons, regular family picnics and weekly days-off with gusto.

Due to the advent of mobile gadgets, a workaholic's most prized possessions are his laptop, mobile phone, and iPod. Workhalics bring these gadgets with them during vacation (if there is ever a plan to do so!).

Note worthy: A workaholic uses his mobile phone as his alarm clock.

Difference # 8 Workaholics beg off invitations for dinner or luncheon parties  A lifeaholic sees these activities as new ways of making new friends and acquaintances.

Workaholics view dinners and luncheon meetings as waste of time instead of being in the office doing piled up work.

Difference # 9:  A workaholic feels that life is one huge problem. A lifeaholic feels that life is one mysterious and wonderful gift.

Workaholics are often pessimists. Lifeaholics always use the windows when doors are closed.

Now, pause for a while and ask yourself with all honesty which one best describes you?

Source: Simplify and Live the Good Life by Bo Sanchez